Thank you for your enormous cooperation for the activities of International Rescue System Institute (IRS). I am glad to inform you here, about our operation policies of certification of NIST/ASTM test standard method for sUAV. I would appreciate your continued support and cooperation.

Satoshi Tadokoro President of International Rescue System Institute


IRS certification system of Administrator and Test Site are IRS’s own certification system for promotion of NIST/ASTM sUAV-STM, fair and equitable measurement for evaluation for drone performance.
IRS doesn’t guarantee any business models by this certification.


Certification of NIST/ASTM Standard Test Method (STM) for sUAV

■ IRS has been cooperating with National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) on performance evaluation of emergency response robots since 2000.

– Formulation of Standard Test Method (STM) for ASTM E58.09-compliant robots by Satoshi Tadokoro and Tetsuya Kimura
– Study of test method for performance evaluation of sUAS and standardization for ASTM since 2015 by Tetsuya Kimura

■ That is why IRS has qualified by STM project of NIST as the only organization give certification of performance evaluation test.

■ STM project of NIST defines qualifications for performance evaluation test as follows:

Proctor can execute an evaluation test and qualify test result. Tetsuya Kimura, IRS director, is only qualified person in Japan.
Administrator can execute an evaluation test. To qualify evaluation result by Administrator officially, Proctor’s confirmation is needed.

■ IRS can issue the certificate of test result officially.

– Issuing the certificate to trainee
– 1) Trainee applies. 2) Administrator executes test. 3) Administrator submits the result to IRS. 4) Proctor, Tetsuya Kimura qualifies it. 5) IRS issues the certificate to trainee.
– Administrator is only qualified by Proctor.

■ We, IRS would never certificate any results of evaluation test executed by non-qualified person and results without confirmation of Proctor because we cannot warrantee the test executed along standards correctly.

■ IRS as a nonprofit organization promotes utilization of NIST/ASTM test method to contribute to achieving safe and secure society and society utilizing sUAV as well. Cooperating with other organizations, we spread the test method and qualify the test results. Although we are nonprofit organization, we need expenses for activities to develop and maintain jointly new performance evaluation test method. We ask you for understanding that we charge for qualification of test results and qualification or renewal of Administrator.


Application to Qualification of NIST sUAV-STM

>>Application form for sUAS-STM qualification [Excel] (J)
sUAV-STM Administrator qualification
sUAV-STM Test Site qualification
Issuing score report of sUAV-STM qualification

>>Examples [PDF] (J)
(Submission allowed by Excel file only.)


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Qualification and Certification System of NIST sUAV-STM

>>Schedule of charges for certification [PDF]

>>Frequently asked questions (FAQ) [PDF]


List of sUAV-STM IRS Certificates (J)

Not valid without IRS certificates on the list.
IRS will not issue official report for any other administrator or Test Site.

AD0001 手島朋広(株式会社DroneWorkSystem)      
AD0002 坂本雅樹(株式会社DroneWorkSystem)      
AD0003 吉成輝(株式会社DroneWorkSystem)       
AD0004 河内仁(有限会社富士電子)            
AD0005 松本英昭(一般社団法人日本野生環境ドローン協会) 
AD0007 菅野健太郎(株式会社アネック)           
AD0011 田中栄次(ドローンなんでも屋)           
AD0012 井上貴博(株式会社旭テクノロジー)        
AD0013 東康弘(株式会社那須管財)             
AD0016 藤本慶 (株式会社伸栄商事)              
AD0017 川崎寛介 (株式会社明光社)             
AD0018 河野大地 (株式会社明光社)             
AD0019 下村哲也 (セントラル警備保障株式会社)      
AD0020 林和則(北日本スカイテック株式会社)       
AD0021 杉江咲春(北日本スカイテック株式会社)      
AD0022 大川仁伸(北日本スカイテック株式会社)      
AD0023 平岩克也(株式会社CSON)            
Test Site
testsite location TS0001株式会社DroneWorkSystem(DPA認定校 DWS-トレーニングセンターいわき/DWS-トレーニングセンター仙台 手島朋広)       
TS0002有限会社富士電子(DPA認定校 DWS-TCドローンスクール新潟村上  河内仁)         
TS0003一般社団法人日本野生環境ドローン協会(DPA認定校 ドローンスクールJWEDA戸田校 松本英昭)
TS0004VFR株式会社(DPA認定校 VFR安曇野校 田村綾乃)  
TS0005株式会社旭テクノロジー(DPA認定校 ドローンマスタースクール兵庫姫路校 井上貴博)
TS0006株式会社那須管財(DPA認定校 操学舘 ドローンスクール 古木正浩)
TS0008株式会社明光社(DPA認定校 ドローンスクール明光社 中村一憲)
TS00011北日本スカイテック株式会社(DPA認定校 スカイテックドローンアカデミー北海道校 大川仁伸)