(JPN) 2025年1月11日(土)13時~17時
(JPN) 「第20回竸基弘賞授賞式」開催報告

Tuesday 9th January 2024 1.30pm - 4.00pm
The 19th Kisoi Motohiro Award Ceremony

Monday 16th January 2023 1pm - 5.00pm
The 18th Kisoi Motohiro Award Ceremony
Friday 14th January 2022 1pm - 3.00pm
The 17th Kisoi Motohiro Award Ceremony (Remote)

Wednesday 13th January 2023 1pm - 3.00pm
The 16th Kisoi Motohiro Award Ceremony (Remote)

Deadline: 9th October 2020 (Friday)
Call for applications to the 16th Kisoi Motohiro Award

Friday 10th January 2020 1pm - 4.30pm
The 15th Kisoi Motohiro Award Ceremony

16th (Fri) to 18th (Sun) August 2019
RoboCup Japan Open 2019, Nagaoka

10th (Sat) to 11th (Sun) August 2019
The 19th Rescue Robot Contest 2019