January 2012
The 7th Kisoi Motohiro Award Ceremony
“‘Rescue robots’ to Tohoku. Continuing my student’s dream, a victim of 1/17. Working towards reconstruction in Iwate and Miyagi.” (Chunichi Shimbun)
“6 groups received Kisoi Motohiro Award for research into rescue systems.” (Kobe Shimbun)
“2 individuals and 1 group receive the Kisoi Motohiro Award.” (Chunichi Shimbun)
Tohoku University assista professor Mr. Nagatani receives 7th Kisoi Motohiro Award, with award ceremony and presentation on 21st.” (Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun, Robonapuru)
“‘Kisoi Motohiro Award’: Mr. Nagatani and Ms. Huang recognised for achievements in the research of rescue systems for times of disaster. Award ceremony in Kobe.” (Mainichi Shimbun
“The ‘Kisoi Motohiro Award’ ceremony, raising awareness of a wish for the next generation of disaster response robotics.” (Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun, Robonapuru)