January 2012

The 7th Kisoi Motohiro Award Ceremony


  • “‘Rescue robots’ to Tohoku. Continuing my student’s dream, a victim of 1/17. Working towards reconstruction in Iwate and Miyagi.” (Chunichi Shimbun)

  • “6 groups received Kisoi Motohiro Award for research into rescue systems.” (Kobe Shimbun)

  • “2 individuals and 1 group receive the Kisoi Motohiro Award.” (Chunichi Shimbun)


  • Tohoku University assista professor Mr. Nagatani receives 7th Kisoi Motohiro Award, with award ceremony and presentation on 21st.” (Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun, Robonapuru)

  • “‘Kisoi Motohiro Award’: Mr. Nagatani and Ms. Huang recognised for achievements in the research of rescue systems for times of disaster. Award ceremony in Kobe.” (Mainichi Shimbun

  • “The ‘Kisoi Motohiro Award’ ceremony, raising awareness of a wish for the next generation of disaster response robotics.” (Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun, Robonapuru)

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