The 15th Kisoi Motohiro Award Ceremony
“Contributing to rescue engineering. Kisoi Motohito Award recipients: 6 individuals and 3 groups.” (Kobe Shimbun)
“A dream of Doraemon intertwined. The award for rescue robot development named after that boy.” (Asahi Shimbun)
“‘A robot that supports people, just like Doraemon.’ The 15th Kisoi Motohiro Award ceremony succeeds his wish.” (Kobe University Media Studies, Web Blog)
“25 years after the Great Hanshin Awaji Earthquake. Records left by father who’s son died under his collapsed home.” (NHK News Web)
“‘Beyond a memorial’ (8) Mr. Kisoi Motohiro, deceased (postgraduate student of natural sciences department at the time).” (Kobe University Media Studies, Web blog)
The 14th Kisoi Motohiro Award Ceremony
“Rescue Robot Contest Exec. Committee win award. ‘Kisoi Motohiro Award’ ceremony in Kobe.” (Kobe Shimbun)
“Kisoi Motohiro Award. Recipients: Rescue Robot Contest exec. committee, 4 groups and 2 individuals.” (Kobe Shimbun, NEXT)
“24 years after the earthquake, disaster relief robotics.” (NHK News Web
The 13th Kisoi Motohiro Award Ceremony
“3 individuals and 3 groups recognised for disaster prevention research. Inheriting the dying wish of Kobe University grad student, a victim of the earthquake.” (Kobe Shimbun)
The 12th Kisoi Motohiro Award Ceremony
“Award ceremony for rescue robot researchers. Played an active role in surveying nuclear power plant.” (Kobe Shimbun)
“The Kisoi Motohiro Award goes to Chiba Institute of Technology, Mr. Yoshida. Using robots to survey disaster struck buildings.” (Mainichi Shimbun)
“The Kisoi Motohiro Award goes to Mr. Yoshida. Praise for use of robots to survey disasters.” (Yomiuri shimbun)
Development of disaster prevention and relief technology. 4 individuals and 1 group receives Kisoi Motohiro Award. (Kobe Shimbun, NEXT)
The 11th Kisoi Motohiro Award Ceremony
“Kisoi Motohiro Award recognises 3 for rescue technology. Research into serpentine robots etc.” (Kobe Shimbun)
“‘Kisoi Motohiro Award’ ceremony in Kobe. Okayama University Grad School professors, 3 recipients for disaster robotics. (Sankei Shimbun)
“The Kisoi Motohiro Award goes to Mr. Kamegawa, Mr. Hirose, Mr. Kimura. Research into serpentine robots that survey damaged facilities etc.” (Yomiuri Shimbun)
The 10th Kisoi Motohiro Award Ceremony
“Continuing to promote robotic efforts. Kyoto University Faculty of Engineering Research, professor Fumitoshi Matsuno.” (Nihon Keizai Shimbun)
“My son lives on in the hearts of his friends.” (Mainichi Shimbun)
“Tohoku University’s Mr. Konyo and Kobe University’s Mr. Fukao receive Kisoi Motohiro Award. Ceremony on 23rd. (Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun, Robonapuru)
“Disaster robotics research (Miyagi), this award is fate. Tohoku University assistant professor. (Asahi Shimbun, Digital)
“‘Kisoi Motohiro Award’ inherits earthquake victims dying wish. Rescue technology honoured for 10 years.” (Kobe Shimbun, NEXT)
“Disaster robotics research, the fateful award ‘Kisoi Motohiro Award’ goes to Tohoku University assistant professor, Mr. Konyo.” (Asahi Shimbun, apital)
“Dream of 23 year old grad student taken by the earthquake continues as young robotics researchers compete for development.” (Tokyo IT Shimbun)
“Mother Emiko attends. The 10th Kisoi Motohiro Award Ceremony.” (Kobe University News Net)
The 9th Kisoi Motohiro Awards Ceremony
“Technology blooms from a Kobe University grad student’s dying wish. Kisoi Motohiro Award established on 17th January.” (Yomiuri Shimbun)
“Seal Robot brings smiles to disaster victims. The inventor receives the ‘Kisoi Motohiro Award’ Special Award.” (Yomiuri Shimbun)
“A promise to advance disaster relief. Mr. Kinugasa receives Award for Academic achievement, Mr. Shibata receives Special Award.” (Kobe Shimbun)
The 8th Kisoi Motohiro Award Ceremony
“Award for Academic Achievement goes to assistant professor Ito. Rescue system researchers at the Kisoi Motohiro Award Ceremony.” (Mainichi Shimbun)
“3 recipients of ‘Kisoi Motohiro Award’. Development of disaster relief robots.” (Yomiuri Shimbun)
“The future of my son’s wish. Supporting life-saving researchers.” (Kobe Shimbun)
“23 year old’s dying wish comes to bloom in Tohoku. Tomorrow’s ‘Kisoi Motohiro Award’ ceremony named for Kobe University grad student. Introducing a search and rescue robot for disaster struck areas.” (Asahi Shimbun)
“18 years after the Great Hanshin Earthquake: I want to make a robot that saves lives. Father and child’s hope, to continue ‘Kisoi Motohiro Award, his epitaph’, a 71 year old’s last request.” (Mainichi Shimbun)
“My son’s wish, to the future of ‘Kisoi Motohiro Award’ with Mrs. Emiko.” (Kobe Shimbun, NEXT)
“IRS holds a symposium and the Kisoi Motohiro Award themed around disaster robotics on the 22nd.” (Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun, Robonapuru)
“18 years after the Great Hanshin Earthquake: Kisoi Motohiro Award ceremony. For rescue system researchers. Award for academic achievement given to assistant professor Ito.” (Mainichi Shimbun)
The 7th Kisoi Motohiro Award Ceremony
“‘Rescue robots’ to Tohoku. Continuing my student’s dream, a victim of 1/17. Working towards reconstruction in Iwate and Miyagi.” (Chunichi Shimbun)
“6 groups received Kisoi Motohiro Award for research into rescue systems.” (Kobe Shimbun)
“2 individuals and 1 group receive the Kisoi Motohiro Award.” (Chunichi Shimbun)
Tohoku University assista professor Mr. Nagatani receives 7th Kisoi Motohiro Award, with award ceremony and presentation on 21st.” (Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun, Robonapuru)
“‘Kisoi Motohiro Award’: Mr. Nagatani and Ms. Huang recognised for achievements in the research of rescue systems for times of disaster. Award ceremony in Kobe.” (Mainichi Shimbun
“The ‘Kisoi Motohiro Award’ ceremony, raising awareness of a wish for the next generation of disaster response robotics.” (Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun, Robonapuru)
The 6th Kisoi Motohiro Award Ceremony
“Mr. Nakanishi Hiroaki receives Kisoi Motohiro Award.” (Asahi Shimbun)
“Development to disaster technology. 3 recipients succeed the wish of Kobe University grad student earthquake victim.” (Kobe Shimbun)
“Kyoto University Lecturer, Mr. Nakanishi. 3 recipients of ‘Kisoi Motohiro Award’ to encourage disaster response research.” (Chunichi Shimbun)
“16 years after the quake. A young man’s dream lives on.” (Kobe Shimbun)
IRS’s 6th Kisoi Motohiro Award goes to Mr. Nakanishi, award ceremony on 14th.” (Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun)
“Praised for independence with a focus on azimuth control, Kyoto University’s Mr. Nishinaka’s research into automated helicopters wins him the Kisoi Motohiro Award.” (Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun), Robonapuru)