The 5th Kisoi Motohiro Award Ceremony


  • “Dream of Kobe University grad student killed in earthquake continues. Nagata’s rescue robot research.”(Yomiuri Shimbun)

  • Earthquake victim. Succeeding a Kobe University grad student’s wish. Recognition for disaster robotics research.” (Kobe Shimbun)

  • A responsibility to convey remorse. Award founded to succeed son’s dying wish, a Kobe victim.” (Chunichi Shimbun)

  • “This year too, Kobe University grad student’s wish. 3 recipients of Kisoi Motohiro Award.” (Chunichi Simbun)

  • “Dream of Kobe University grad student from Nagoya continues. Disaster relief robot research. 3 recipients of ‘Kisoi Motohiro Award’.” (Yomiuri Shimbun)

The 4th Kisoi Motohiro Award Ceremony


  • “The former Kobe University professor and the graduate student killed in earthquake. Educational text ties the student and teacher’s dream together.” (Kobe Shimbun)

  • “Useful robots. Mr. Yamashita and Mr. Doi both shine at the Kisoi Motohiro Award Ceremony.” (Kobe Shimbun)

  • “The dream of a student killed in earthquake. Supporting the development of disaster recovery robots. Aggregating maps of disaster-struck areas. (Chunichi Shimbun)


  • “‘The 4th Kisoi Motohiro Award for Technical Achievement, Presentation’ Report. Rescue robot technology deals with termite infestation.” (Robot Watch)

The 3rd Kisoi Motohiro Award Ceremony


  • “‘I want to make a rescue robot’, the story of teacher fulfilling his student’s dying wish becomes part of a textbook. (Sankei Shimbun)

  • “Continuing to fulfill his wishes again with the 3rd ‘Kisoi Motohiro Award’ recipients. Contributing to the research and development of rescue systems.” (Waseda University)

(JPN) 第2回竸基弘賞授賞式


  • “Killed at 23, he brought about rescue robotics. Powerless in Chuetsu, endless improvements.” (Asahi Shimbun)

  • “Kisoi Motohiro Award Decided.” (Asahi Shimbun)

  • “2 assistant professors of disaster research at Kyoto University succeed victim’s wish in the 2nd ‘Kisoi Motohiro Award’ for their work on onsite information gathering and map aggregation.” (Kobe Shimbun)


  • “Succeeding earthquake victim’s dying wish, Assistant professors of disaster research at Kyoto University receive ‘Kisoi Motohiro Award’.” (Kobe Shimbun News)

The 1st Kisoi Motohiro Award Ceremony


  • “Inheriting a dying wish for robotic development. Award named for earthquake victim.” (Asahi Shimbun)

  • “‘Kisoi’s award’, to develop robots for disaster prevention.” (Yomiuri Shimbun)

  • “Life-saving machines. Award founded to succeed researcher’s dying wish.” (Kanagawa Shimbun)

  • “Fund-raising started for ‘Kisoi Motohiro Award’. Advancing researches of rescue robotics. Giving shape to earhquake victim’s dying wish.” (Chunichi Shimbun)

  • “Fund-raising to succeed a dying wish for development of rescue robots. (Asahi Shimbun)

  • “‘Kisoi Motohiro Award’ for young researchers. Passing on a wish for robotics to the next generation, named for an earthquake victim, a grad student of Kobe University and founded by his former teachers.” (Kobe Shimbun)

  • “Quake victim’s dream lives on through robotics award”(Int. Herald Tribune, NY Times/Asahi Shimbun)

  • “Rescue robotics symbolise his life. Graduate student’s research cut short by the Great Hanshin Earthquake. (Tokyo Shimbun)

  • “He has given me strength. The student teacher bond cut short by the earthquake.” (The Sankei Shimbun)

  • “Student lives on in rescue robotics. ‘Kisoi Award’ established to encourage young researchers.” (Mainichi Shimbun)

  • “Realising a dream 11 years after the quake. ‘Kisoi Award’ Ceremony, attended by his parents. He would have made the World Expo if he had lived.” (Chunichi Shimbun)

  • “Take up his aspiration. Earthquake victim, endeavours to develop robotics. The first ‘Kisoi Motohiro Award’ Ceremony.” (Kobe Shimbun)

  • “Killed in an earthquake, research into rescue robotics inherits Kisoi’s dying wish. Recipients of the First Award decided.” (Asahi Shimbun)

    • “A push to realise ‘Life-saving Robots’. A victim of the great earthquake, a Kobe University graduate’s dream.” (Yomiuri Shimbun)

    • “2 recipients for ‘Award for Doraemon-like robot’. Earthquake victim Kisoi’s dying wish inspires first award ceremony. (Yomiuri Shimbun)

    • “Tokyo Inst. Technology assistant professor receives award.” (Nihon Keizai Shimbun)

    • “Taking up robot researcher’s dream. Establishing Kisoi Motohiro Award, 2 recipients.” (Mainichi Shimbun)

    • Matsuno Fumitoshi’s contribution to the founding of ‘Kisoi Motohiro Award’. Life-saving robotics. I want to be entrusted in Kisoi’s place.” (Chunichi Shimbun)


    • “Killed in earthquake, newly established rescue robot award inherits this Kobe University graduate’s passion.” (

    • “Award established for development of rescue robotics. Taking up the dying wish of graduate student killed in earthquake.” (Yahoo news)

    • “First 2 recipients of ‘Kisoi Motohiro Award’ for robot research are from Tokyo.” (Yahoo News, Yomiuri Shimbun)

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